Monday, April 7, 2008

Finding the Root Cause of Violence

Amid, among other things, school shootings and workplace violence, I feel it's important for us to try to figure out the root cause of these tragedies. It's time to stop relying on Band-Aids and punishments.

Don't you think that we ought to try and help people who are sad and angry before they end up doing something terrible? Don't you think we should spend more time nurturing our children and young adults? Don't you think it would be a good idea to intervene instead of saying "it's none of my business"?

Sure, you can take away all the guns, and that may decrease tragedies that include shootings, but if a person is sad and angry and feeling hopeless about things, he or she is going to find another way to act out, to make his or her feelings known, to say something on a grand scale.

Let's work to stop the violence by nurturing and helping people who are at risk. Let's care about one another. Let's practice compassion and empathy.
We have everything to gain and nothing to lose.

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