Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Republicans Suck

The top 10 reasons that Republicans Suck

10. They have more money than they deserve to have.
9. They get their way by throwing their huge amount of money around.
8. They criticize President Obama because they are jeolous that he knows how to read.
7. They always need to know what's in it for them, since of course, they are the center of the universe.
6. They are evil.
5. They spread lies about people in order to make themselves look better.
4. They are unhappy that their money cannot buy happiness.
3. They think they know what God wants, but they do not actually know, or they would be good examples of humans.
2. They are selfish and stupid.
1. They will do or say anything just to cover their ass, no matter how immoral it is.